
In a world where power often operates in shadows, Corbin is committed to bringing light. Dedicated to uncovering the truths that others conceal, he believes that no politician should be exempt from scrutiny, and no member of the judiciary should wield unchecked authority—even when parliamentary bodies fail to act as vigilant watchdogs.

The principles of separation of powers and checks and balances are not just constitutional theories; they are the bedrock of a functioning democracy. A free press is entrusted with the sacred duty to hold governments and institutions accountable. But when the press itself becomes influenced or purchased by power and money, it too must be challenged and criticised.

With trusted sources deep within politics, the courts, law enforcement, and among courageous whistleblowers, he is not alone in this mission. Together, they confront the culture of secrecy and the code of silence—omertà—that shields the powerful from accountability.

His work is driven by a simple conviction: transparency is essential for justice. By exposing hidden truths and demanding accountability, they can restore faith in the institutions meant to serve the people.