The Secret Pact Between Robert Abela and Bernard Grech

How Personal Scandals Are Being Swept Under the Rug

The recent and sudden death of former PN MP Karl Gouder has left Maltese politics in a state of turbulence. A new twist has surfaced: a secretive understanding between Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition leader Bernard Grech regarding the handling of personal scandals. The tragic event of Gouder’s passing, now linked to claims of blackmail and personal threats, has triggered not only a public outcry but also unprecedented bi-partisan cooperation. What lies behind this cooperation? How does it serve the political interests of both the Labour and Nationalist Parties? And most importantly, is the public being kept in the dark?

A Secret Agreement Between Two Rivals?
Threats against Gouder may have been aimed at diminishing his chances of becoming the PN’s next secretary general

Robert Abela recently hinted at the existence of a significant, behind-closed-doors discussion that took place between the two leaders when he visited the Nationalist Party’s headquarters, Dar Ċentrali, to sign Karl Gouder’s condolence book. Abela told a NET journalist, “I won’t reveal what we discussed at Dar Ċentrali and I think it would be irresponsible of me. However, a discussion started that I believe we must follow up on.” These cryptic words suggest that more was discussed than merely paying respects.


According to PN sources, the two leaders engaged in an exchange about the sensitive matter of the blackmail allegedly faced by Gouder, a situation that many now believe contributed to his tragic decision. It’s not just the scandal surrounding Gouder’s death, but how it might reverberate throughout the PN. The topic of personal threats reportedly dominated the conversation, with both parties concerned about the impact on their respective public images.

A Calculated Risk for the PN

For the Nationalist Party, the situation is particularly delicate. They have sought to channel the outpouring of public sympathy towards Gouder’s family and his party colleagues, but they are also conscious of the potential fallout if more details about the threats emerge. A revelation of internal party involvement in such threats could obliterate the wave of support the PN is currently enjoying. As the Independence Day celebrations approach, the PN faces the difficult task of balancing public solidarity with Gouder’s memory against the risk of internal scandal.

Whispers in political circles suggest that the threats against Gouder may have been aimed at diminishing his chances of becoming the PN’s next secretary general—a position he was widely tipped for. If this is the case, whoever issued the threats likely did not foresee the devastating consequences that would follow. Yet, such internal sabotage within the PN could deal irreparable damage to the party’s reputation.

This is where the supposed pact between Grech and Abela comes into play. Grech knows that the exposure of a PN insider as the source of the threats could be catastrophic for the party. Abela, for his part, may find it politically advantageous to avoid exploiting the tragedy for Labour’s gain, keeping the focus on more substantive issues and maintaining a semblance of statesmanship.

What Does Robert Abela Gain?

While Bernard Grech manoeuvres to shield his party, it is worth considering what Robert Abela stands to gain from this bipartisan agreement. The Prime Minister’s public endorsement of Grech’s call for Karl Gouder to be nominated for the prestigious Gieh ir-Repubblika award is curious. Some have interpreted this as a shrewd political move, suggesting that the two leaders had already prearranged how to handle the Gouder affair during their Dar Ċentrali meeting.

Abela’s visit to the Stamperija set the stage for a secret meeting

One must question whether this cooperation comes with strings attached. What concessions did Abela extract from Grech in exchange for Labour’s silence on the issue of internal blackmail? Could it be that Abela views this as an opportunity to enhance his image as a statesman, while privately negotiating the terms under which Labour will allow the PN to avoid further scrutiny on this issue?


Grech’s Gamble

Bernard Grech, however, seems to be pushing his luck. His decision to capitalise on the emotional resonance of Gouder’s death by calling for his nomination for Gieh ir-Repubblika raised some eyebrows. It appears to be a tactical move aimed at keeping the focus on the tragedy rather than the circumstances surrounding it. By doing so, Grech risks appearing opportunistic—using a personal loss for political gain. Yet, so far, the gamble seems to be paying off, with public opinion largely rallying behind the PN.

Still, the silence on both sides about the details of the blackmail remains conspicuous. This lack of transparency, coupled with the sudden alignment between the two rival leaders, fuels speculation that something is being hidden from the public. Could it be that Abela and Grech have agreed to let sleeping dogs lie to avoid damaging their respective parties?

The Real Stakes

In the shadows of this quiet agreement, the public is left to wonder what the true nature of the threats against Gouder were, and why the police have remained silent on the investigations rather than seek the public’s help (contrary to what the family members did). Did Bernard Grech, out of fear of a damaging scandal, orchestrate a deal with Abela to ensure that the investigation stays under wraps, at least until the political fallout can be better managed? Or does Robert Abela have more to gain from holding back on the investigation, perhaps leveraging this information at a later stage for political advantage?

Whatever the case may be, the Maltese public deserves to know the full truth behind the Gouder tragedy. Transparency and accountability should not be sacrificed at the altar of political convenience. Both leaders must clarify the terms of their cooperation, and the police must ensure that their investigation proceeds without undue influence.

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